Although many of the country's ambitious plans and policies in clean
energy have made it hard for many foreign manufacturers and investors to
compete, Chinese President Hu Jinatao is bullish on bolstering
sustainable economic growth as part of a plan to move the world's
largest energy using and polluting country toward a more energy
independent, cleaner state.
As we watch China make this massive transformation, expect to see more
than just solar panels on houses and wind turbines in hillsides; expect
to see entire cities built around energy-efficiency and
resource-conservation like the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city.
Expected to be up and running by 2020, the Tianjin Eco-City will span
30 square kilometers and showcase the hottest energy-efficiency
technologies, including an advanced light rail transit system and a
variety of eco-landscapes powered with renewable energy.
Home to 350,000 residents, this green metropolis will serve as a model
for future Chinese developments and other “eco-cities” around the world.
Designed to be practical, replicable and scalable, public housing will
be offered to meet the needs of lower to middle income residents, while
the number of jobs to be generated within the city are expected to
provide for at least half of its locals. Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) will be met in 26 different areas, including air and water
quality, preservation of the natural ecology and biodiversity, green
building, transportation and renewable energy.
Though Tianjin will not be the first “eco-city” in the world, it seeks
to differentiate itself in several ways. “Our key focus is to sustain a
liveable city and find good urban solutions to deal with the challenges
of high-density urban living,” according to the website. “We want to
build a practical, scalable and replicable city that will meet the needs
of other fast-growing cities in China and the world.”
The controversial question remaining is whether or not the KPIs of the
project will be reached under the heavy and increasing pollution in the
area, especially considering the majority of some of the most important
factories in Beijing have been relocated to Tianjin since 2008. In
addition to air quality, water supplies in the area could also be
contaminated and the prevalence of certain cancers remain three times
higher than in Australian cities and Singapore.
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