Τρίτη 20 Ιουλίου 2010

Contrived Conflicts and Failures of Grace

Contrived Conflicts and Failures of Grace

Date: Saturday, July 17 @ 22:00:00 EDT
Topic: Opinion
By Prof. Eugene Narrett
Israel Endtimes www.israelendtimes.com
July 17, 2010

History shows that the great powers do not want peace: in the 20th century they perfected the art of contriving wars of attrition which ‘require’ or ‘justify’ management by the diplomatic-military cadres of the powers and UN to “secure lasting peace.” In Orwellian fashion, this War Process is defined as “security.” It is the kerua shalom whose numeric values equals that of Esav and that grows in the rotting of integrity (shaleim) from whose kindness and truth alone genuine peace can spring.

These contrived wars do not occur only through proxies. In Mesopotamia and Afghanistan as in Korea and Vietnam, perhaps even in WW II (and the diplomacy that prompted it) the great powers did not and do not scruple to consume the lives of their own soldiers toward the torn peace of the War Process which leads to increasing global management of human resources and distraction of human energy and intelligence from the arts and sanctity of life.

This profound dishonesty, this perversion of language, thought and lives is ubiquitous in the postmodern world whose media of communication form a distraction machine meant to deflect and bury truth by dazzle and misleading categories of thought and slogans. This report focuses on a few that involve military action. Their development can be monitored on Debkafile a news link listed on this site.

One report explains that Syria has been using Israeli drones against Kurds who live in northeastern Syria. Israel’s enemy acquired this military technology from Israel’s semi-ally, Turkey with whom Israel once did extensive trade and some military cooperation. But governments change and the Turks are not sure whether they are predominantly non-Arab Turks or Muslims. So the Turks, who have been suppressing and killing Kurds and Armenians for centuries are now helping the regime of the artificial State, Syria to hunt and kill them too.

The recent history of relevant geopolitical betrayals and ironies should be mentioned. Turkey is the only Asian member of NATO. Though far from the North Atlantic, it is part of its peace and security because it blocks Russia’s direct route to the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean. So Russia got in through the back door via Iran, its old enemy, Syria and Hezbollah-Lebanon, an Iranian proxy. This is relevant to the contrived attrition by which the great powers manage the War System.

Turkey is a geo-political and historical anomaly; an ambiguous entity. It is a European as well as an Asian nation, its small piece of the southeastern Balkans a remnant of Turkey’s centuries of imperial hegemony in the Balkans. Its largest city, Istanbul (Byzantium) is on the West side of the Bosporus and sometimes is still called Constantinople after the Roman Emperor who first tried to organize what became Christianity. Despite being on the losing side in WW II (though it defeated British forces many times), the British and French allowed Turkey to re-take it’s the remnant of its Balkan Empire back from the Greeks in 1919-20 and they have held it ever since. Now led by a truculent Islamic party, Turkey wars on the Kurds, an ancient Caucasian region people indigenous to the eastern part of the State (as are the Armenians) and aligns itself with the frequently hostile Syrian regime to its south. A common slogan at the end of WW I and the ensuing years of treaties that re-shaped Europe and the Middle East was “Kurdistan for the Kurds, Arabia for the Arabs and Judea for the Jews.” Then Britain’s regime decided that a unified Mesopotamia (“Iraq”) and strong Turkey were more important than self-rule for ancient peoples so the Arabs got two dozen states (one of them, Syria), the Jews had to fight for a scrap of “the Jewish National Home” the British were mandated to foster, and the Kurds got a century of oppression and statelessness.

The game continues at the losers’ expense as Washington, Britain’s chief enforcing power in NATO and other diplomatic-managerial-financial ventures, particularly its State Department helped to sanitize and empower the Islamic party that now spurs Turks against the West and into alliance with the hated Syria in order to continue suppressing the Kurds and keep the entire pot boiling…

Now that Israel “has lost its only Muslim ally in the Middle East” Greece is rushing to take its place. Greece is also a member of NATO which is anomalous geographically and given the intense antipathy of Greeks and Turks dating to the latter’s invasion of the Middle East, centuries of assaults on the Greek Byzantine Empire and subsequent occupation and enslavement of Greece till 1830 (southern Greece; 1880 for much of northern Greece). The hostility also flared in Turkey’s July 1974 invasion of Cyprus, an ancient Greek habitation, and occupation to this day of almost 40% of the island. Britain has a hand in these matters, too. In 1571 the Ottoman Turks conquered Cyprus; in 1914, Britain seized the island and ruled it as a Crown Colony till the treaty of Lausanne, 1923.

Now that the Turks are aligned with the Syrian regime, itself a client of Iran and Russia, we learn that Greece is allowing Israel to train in its airspace and practice bombing the anti-aircraft missile batteries it received from Russia in 2000. This is an epitome of the flexible alignments of the War System, a modern refinement geared toward long-term management of an ancient habit of shifting enmities. There is more than cultural logic to a Jerusalem-Athens tie that always will be a bit askew. The well-publicized economic perils of Greece, explained as a possible catalyst to failure of world economies was allayed not by the diplomatically hyper-active EU but by Israel which also spent some decades helping the Kurds, as more equivocally did America’s intelligence services.

In regard to this essay’s topic, the most interesting feature of the growing alignment of Athens with Jerusalem was the comment that NATO wants Greece to become “the Christian mainstay of NATO in the Balkans and southern Europe – in place of the Muslim Turkish army.” The irony of this was suavely elided by the news service: it was NATO itself that destroyed Yugoslavia and Serbia creating several new Muslim States in the Balkans only a century after the Balkan peoples had succeeded in liberating themselves of eight centuries of Islamic occupation and imperial oppression. The great irony that under the hegemony of London-Washington the Turks were to police the peoples that long had enslaved is now on the way down the “memory hole” like other ‘incorrect’ and inconvenient history.

The contrived conflicts of attrition continue. In the name of peace the War System reigns to advance the agenda of the oligarchies that rule the Western powers for their own class benefit and goals. The failure of grace that would lead to genuine peace is that of Israel, oppressed by its own entrenched oligarchies and unable to use its resources to express and secure its own grace, self-respect and purposeful might. A true Israeli government, a leadership that like Jacob was tam, wholesome, complete and integral, the root of eternal (tamid) and thus true to the Netzach Yisrael would deploy all the abilities of its people to securing Israel’s essential nature. As a perennial client regime it does the opposite: it does not develop its own top-line aircraft but refines those of America and the armaments of other nation’s (e.g. India) militaries. This suits a core goal of the great powers: to preempt Israel from ever being the integral alternative to its homogenizing control of the world.

So Israeli drones are used against Kurds by Turkey and Syria while Hezbollah again masses on Israel’s northern border and politicians express ‘shock’ (like in Casablanca) that UNIFIL does nothing to prevent this provision of UN agreement 1701 once written and spoken of in tones of awe and veneration. This is no surprise: the French commander of UNIFIL in fall 2006 already announced that his troops were there mainly to stimulate the local economy, to visit cafes and beaches, etc. Journalists profess astonishment that PM Netanyahu does nothing about this, little more than the EU or UN. It is mainly the EU and NATO that decide what, when and how much Israel does to defend, much less assert its identity and integrity. Conflict between Iran and Israel could break out at any moment, “like the strike of a match” one reads while the powers manage the dialectic. As the title of this essay states, all these events exemplify contrived conflicts and failures of grace.

[1] In Hebrew, kerua (“to tear, rend or shred”) has the numeric value 376 as does Esav and shalom, an irony showing that any ‘peace’ (shalom in Hebrew) that does not grow from its root, shin-lamed-mem (shaleim) is a false peace that shreds those involved in it and, eventually rends the world with Hamas (“violent pillage”). See Tehillim (“Psalm”) 85:11-12. Shaleim is a core word-concept: the lamed “teacher”) mediates between the male (mem) and female (shin) energies that flow from the crown of Aleph.

[2] Read The Aaronsohn Saga by Shmuel Katz (2008) for a detailed account of how the British were helped finally to defeat the Turks and then secure “Mandates” over much of the Middle East.

[3] One can read many articles charting this process on  http://www.memri.org/  also linked on israelendtimes.com

[4] Debkafile Weekly, June 25, 2010

[5] Ibid.

[6] 1 Samuel 15:29; see Aryeh Kaplan, Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Creation (Weiser 1990), 22-97

[7] See discussion in Narrett, WW III: the War on the Jews (lightcatcherbooks.com 2006)

Re-read article at its source

Prof. Eugene Narrett is a valued contributor to JewishIndy. He has been teaching at Colleges and Universities since receiving his Doctorate from Columbia University in 1978. He has taught, designed, created and directed many Liberal Arts courses and programs in fields including Art, Art History, History, Literature and Philosophy. His wide-ranging knowledge of history and his ability to integrate disciplines provides a comprehensive overview and rare insights into the most challenging conflicts and currents of our times. An author of three books and many articles on the topic of this site, Dr. Narrett is available to lecture. His book, Israel and the Endtimes: Writings on the Logic and Surface Turbulence of History will interest, inform and hearten its readers. His newest book is: WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State 2007).

CDs of some of his lectures on the Eternal One, The Road Map in Historical Context, and Foundations of Judaism and a Jewish Commonwealth can be found at www.noahidenations.com

Visit his Web site: Israel Endtimes

Professor Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in New York City. Since receiving his doctorate he has been living and working in the greater Boston area, teaching and developing curricula in the Humanities, -- Literature, History, Philosophy, and Art History. Honored as a writer, mentor, and teacher, his writings on American culture and politics and on history and geopolitics in the Middle East have been widely published and he has been a frequent guest on Israel National Radio. His previous book Israel and the Endtimes (2006) lays the foundations for examining the root causes of the West’s tangled involvement with Israel and the Jewish people. WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State expands and deepensthis investigation, examining Western culture from ancient works to post-Modernism with his characteristic breadth of relevant sources.

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